NEED HELP – October – the flood  2024

In early October of 2024, there was a major flood in the northern provinces of Thailand include Chiangmai province which is Panrak’s home (Report Link). The Christian Communication Institute (CCI) which is started by Rev. Allen and Rev. Joan Eubank, the buildings received considerable damages from the flood (over $100,000).

The institute mobilized staff to try to move the important items to higher ground or onto chairs, removed audio equipment and electronic devices from buses and stored them in upper level studio rooms, and used sandbags to block the doors of both buildings.

But due to the large volume of water, the flood waters spread over a wide area and seeped into the two buildings of the institute, the worst damage in the last 50 years. The water remained stagnant and could not be drained anywhere because the surrounding areas of the institute, Payap University, Prince Royal’s College, and McCormick Hospital, were all flooded from the Ping river flood waters.

When the water started to recede, the institute received cooperation from the 75th Anniversary Building brothers’ and sisters’ staffs to help clean up. However, the flood has caused considerable damages to the institute:

  1. CCI studio building – In the Recording room, carpets had to be removed because they were soaked in mud. All of the soundproofing curtains had to be removed because the curtain rods were lost in the flood. Some soundproofing walls were damaged. The Recording room’s doors were swollen and fell off and need to be replaced
  1. Recording Control Room – The computer for the recording room was damaged by the flood and is inoperable. The signal cable is being cleaned and inspected. The floor of the recording control room is waterlogged. The door of the room is swollen and peeling off and needs to be replaced.
  1. TV recording studio – The floor of the green room with the green screen is peeling off. The dimmer for controlling the stage lights is being cleaned and the door of the room is swollen and needs to be replaced
  2. Offices – The doors of three offices are swollen and falling off and need to be replaced
  1. Glass room building (red brick building) – Flooding in the room where costumes, Thai jewelry, and other jewelry are stored were all damaged by being soaked in mud for a long time. The doors of four rooms are swollen from water. Tables and chairs in the building are under inspection because the water cannot be pumped out of this area yet; however, they may be beyond repair. The windows are broken due to the pressure from the water and need to be replaced.


******Note 3 Chaingmai flood 2024

  1. The Audio equipment used for Evangelism, such as Bose speakers, power controllers, and other audio equipment used in the field and recording studios, is damaged and needs to be replaced.

******Note 1 the evangelism is the CORE (main tool) of CCI and Church of Christ In Thailand to spread the Gospel and the love of God through Jesus Christ in Thailand (CCT). Every year this Group spends a week for each Christian School under CCT (see CCI page).  This group is directly responsible for thousands of souls saved in Thailand.


******Note 2 it is estimated that the damages assessed at this time will not be less than 3 million baht (more than $100,000).